Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008

prepared for christmas?!

Like I wrote before I wanted to show some pictures of what I have been knitting for christmas or more for christmas presents....

I can´t show everything because I am afraid that someone will see his or her christmas gift =)

I love these kind of thing having at the hands =) I found the pattern here
And I made a lot of sweets which are already gone....these pictures are the last thing which survived....

You see the pictures I am taking of food are much better than theses one I am taking of my knitted stuff....I don´t know why...
Yesterday I had a great knittparty....I read about this in a German magazine.... and so I invited some people for eating pizza and we started knitting...
I was such a fun..=)

5 Kommentare:

Beyla hat gesagt…

Ohhh the cakes looks awesome! The knitting too, don't worry :) You have a very fascinating blog, thank you so much for commenting on mine! If you want to take a trip on the Hurtigrute during winter, don't expect to see much on the panorama deck.. We've got utter darkness for two months, remember? ;) An hour of gold at midday and northern lights every now and then, but it isn't much for knitting. Honestly, I prefer the good old Hurtigrute boats. They're small and the cabins aren't supercomfy, but they're gorgeous and old fashioned in the best sense of the word, and on the decks there are couches and blankets, and so many nice people - us natives prefer the old boats ;)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Snuppa mi da;-)
du blir nok kjent og berømt du også skal du se;-D hehe, jeg berømt liksom, du altså *smilerødme*

men nydelige pulsvarmere du lager: du utvikler deg virkelig til å bli en skikkelig strikkekjerring;-) hehe, men ja! Og de kakene så digg ut, namme!

Og så trivelig og bra gjort å fikse strikkekveld da! Du er nå flink også, jeg er helt imponert her oppe, og happy snappy for at du utbrer strikkingens velsignelse:-D

Håper du har det fint og gleder deg til jul!

MirreVirre hat gesagt…

Så bra at du likte gaven! Var greit å åpne den nå, ikke noe problem! Ha en god jul!

Beyla hat gesagt…

God jul Pernille! :) Håper du får en flott flott jul og masse fine gaver! selv uten snø ;)

Anonym hat gesagt…

God jul til deg:-D
Skal hilse masse fra deg.