Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2008

en liten forjulsoverraskelse

Jeg fikk en fin pakke av MirreVirre.
Alle som skrev en kommentar til 100. innleg ble med i trekningen om en overraskelse og jeg vant og se va jeg fikk =)


Tusen takk til mirrevirre for det. jeg ble kjempe glad =)

Frohe weihnachten, god jul, merry christmas.

Disse pulsvarmere har jeg vist fram för men naa var de liksom ferdig =)

har lasta opp masse bilder av det jeg har gitt bort til jul men det beste er vel elgluen som var for pappaen min. han likte den saa godt at han ikke tok den av hele kvelden =)
jeg fant oppskriften til elgen paa hobbyforum. Trulte lagde oppskriften til elgen. den stjernen lenger ned er ikke strikka da men selvlaga =)

here are all the things I made as Christmas gifts. The moose cap was for my father and he loved it. He couldn´t stop wearing it =) he looks quiet funny with it =)

Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008

prepared for christmas?!

Like I wrote before I wanted to show some pictures of what I have been knitting for christmas or more for christmas presents....

I can´t show everything because I am afraid that someone will see his or her christmas gift =)

I love these kind of thing having at the hands =) I found the pattern here
And I made a lot of sweets which are already gone....these pictures are the last thing which survived....

You see the pictures I am taking of food are much better than theses one I am taking of my knitted stuff....I don´t know why...
Yesterday I had a great knittparty....I read about this in a German magazine.... and so I invited some people for eating pizza and we started knitting...
I was such a fun..=)

Montag, 8. Dezember 2008

Winter in Germany

This is how the winter in Germany looks like. No snow, no ice and no cold wheather. We only have rain and some degrees over 0.
But it isn´t like this in whole Germany...would really like to go skiing and laugh about my inexistent talent in skiing =)
But I am still making my drivers license, so it is good that it isn´t to much ice on the streets. Next time I will show you some pictures of what I have knitted in the past, because it was quite a lot.
Many autumn greetings from germany....
autumn? it isn´t winter here. and I maybe it will never be winter here again

Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2008

Look what I´ve got

Yesterday I got the best parcel in the world.
Like I wrote before I joined a Christmasswap and I was so excited.
But now look and enjoy =)
All this beautiful things came all the way from Great Britatin and I loved everything =) So great...
Thanks to the cycling knitter =)